Saat teman-teman menetap di kabin terpencil mereka untuk menikmati akhir pekan yang santai, seorang skin walker berkeliaran di luar, menunggu untuk menyerang. Teman-teman segera menyadari bahwa liburan tanpa beban mereka telah berubah menjadi mimpi buruk. Saat malam semakin larut, mereka harus menghadapi kengerian yang mengintai mereka dan berjuang untuk hidup mereka.
As friends settle down in their remote cabin for a relaxing weekend, a skin walker prowls outside, waiting to strike. The friends quickly realize that their carefree getaway has turned into a nightmare. As the night wears on, they must face the horror stalking them and fight for their lives.
As friends settle down in their remote cabin for a relaxing weekend, a skin walker prowls outside, waiting to strike. The friends quickly realize that their carefree getaway has turned into a nightmare. As the night wears on, they must face the horror stalking them and fight for their lives.
Directors: Brendan Rudnicki
Writer: Brendan Rudnicki, Kellan Rudnicki
Starring: Chlo Marie Rhoades, Tyler Miller, Kellan Rudnicki
Writer: Brendan Rudnicki, Kellan Rudnicki
Starring: Chlo Marie Rhoades, Tyler Miller, Kellan Rudnicki
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