Frogman (2024)
81 Minm | United States of America | Fantasy, Horror | 2024-09-26
Seorang pembuat film amatir, yang berjuang untuk mengubah hasratnya menjadi karier, pulang ke Loveland bersama teman-temannya bertekad untuk mendapatkan bukti tak terbantahkan bahwa legenda Frogman yang cryptid itu ada.
An amateur filmmaker, struggling to turn his passion into a career, returns home to Loveland with friends determined to obtain irrefutable proof that the cryptid legend of Frogman exists.
An amateur filmmaker, struggling to turn his passion into a career, returns home to Loveland with friends determined to obtain irrefutable proof that the cryptid legend of Frogman exists.
Directors: Anthony Cousins
Writer: John Karsko, Anthony Cousins
Starring: Nathan Tymoshuk, Chelsey Grant, Benny Barrett
Writer: John Karsko, Anthony Cousins
Starring: Nathan Tymoshuk, Chelsey Grant, Benny Barrett
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