Penjaga taman Angelica meminta bantuan mantan pacarnya yang seorang pawang anjing, Viktor, untuk mencari wanita yang hilang di cagar alam berbahaya di Swedia. Pencarian ini diperumit oleh mitos yang meresahkan tentang Gua Banshee, roh dendam dari cerita rakyat Nordik yang pernah memikat para penambang hingga mati di gua-gua berbahaya di cagar alam. Saat mereka masuk lebih jauh ke dalam hutan, Viktor mulai mempertanyakan kewarasannya dan apakah rumor Banshee lebih dari sekadar mitos. Lebih buruk lagi, Angelica dan Viktor berbagi sejarah menyakitkan dengan tempat berhantu tersebut. Viktor kini harus menghadapi masa lalunya yang bermasalah dan bekerja sama dengan Angelica untuk bertahan malam itu dan mengungkap misteri di balik hilangnya wanita tersebut.
Park ranger Angelica seeks the help of her dog handler ex-boyfriend, Viktor, to search for a missing woman in a dangerous nature reserve in Sweden. The search is complicated by a disturbing myth about the Cave Banshee, a vengeful spirit from the Nordic folklore that once lured miners to their deaths in the reserve's treacherous caves. As they delve deeper into the forest, Viktor starts to question his own sanity and whether the rumored Banshee is more than just a myth. To make matters worse, Angelica and Viktor share a painful history with the haunted place. Viktor must now confront his troubled past and work together with Angelica to survive the night and unravel the mystery behind the woman's disappearance.
Park ranger Angelica seeks the help of her dog handler ex-boyfriend, Viktor, to search for a missing woman in a dangerous nature reserve in Sweden. The search is complicated by a disturbing myth about the Cave Banshee, a vengeful spirit from the Nordic folklore that once lured miners to their deaths in the reserve's treacherous caves. As they delve deeper into the forest, Viktor starts to question his own sanity and whether the rumored Banshee is more than just a myth. To make matters worse, Angelica and Viktor share a painful history with the haunted place. Viktor must now confront his troubled past and work together with Angelica to survive the night and unravel the mystery behind the woman's disappearance.
Directors: Philip W da Silva
Writer: Jimmy Nivrn Olsson
Starring: Rakel Benr, Oscar Skagerberg, Peter Mrlin
Writer: Jimmy Nivrn Olsson
Starring: Rakel Benr, Oscar Skagerberg, Peter Mrlin
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