Gary Gulman: Born on 3rd Base (2023)
65 Minm | United States of America | Comedy | 2023-12-20
Komedian, aktor, dan penulis buku terlaris Gary Gulman menawarkan wawasannya yang lucu tentang berbagai topik – mulai dari tumbuh menjadi orang miskin hingga sufiks yang megah – semuanya dengan bantuan humor inventif dan absurdismenya. Berkaca pada keluarga Yahudi Amerika yang eksentrik, Gulman menceritakan pengalaman masa kecilnya dengan program makan siang gratis di sekolah dan perawatan gigi yang dipertanyakan, serta kritik tajam terhadap paham miliarder.
Comedian, actor, and best-selling author Gary Gulman offers up his hilarious insights on a range of topics – from growing up poor to pretentious suffixes – all with a generous helping of his inventive humor and absurdism. Reflecting on his eccentric Jewish American family, Gulman chronicles his childhood experiences with free school lunch programs and questionable dental care, as well as incisive swipes at billionaire-ism.
Comedian, actor, and best-selling author Gary Gulman offers up his hilarious insights on a range of topics – from growing up poor to pretentious suffixes – all with a generous helping of his inventive humor and absurdism. Reflecting on his eccentric Jewish American family, Gulman chronicles his childhood experiences with free school lunch programs and questionable dental care, as well as incisive swipes at billionaire-ism.
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