Pada tahun 1930, kapten laut Russel Marsh melihat cahaya, dan selama 93 tahun tubuhnya bukan miliknya. Dihuni oleh yang tua, ia melakukan tindakan yang tak terkatakan atas nama tatanan esoteris Dagon. Sekarang gratis, dia sedang mencari cara untuk kembali ke masa lalu untuk membalikkan kengerian yang terjadi pada dunia. Tetapi kultus memiliki rencana lain dan tidak akan berhenti untuk menghancurkannya.
In 1930, sea captain Russel Marsh saw the light, and for 93 years his body was not his own. Inhabited by a Great Old One, he committed unspeakable acts in the name of the Esoteric Order of Dagon. Now free, he is in search of a way to go back in time to reverse the horrors wrought upon the world. But the cult has other plans and will stop at nothing to destroy him.
In 1930, sea captain Russel Marsh saw the light, and for 93 years his body was not his own. Inhabited by a Great Old One, he committed unspeakable acts in the name of the Esoteric Order of Dagon. Now free, he is in search of a way to go back in time to reverse the horrors wrought upon the world. But the cult has other plans and will stop at nothing to destroy him.
Directors: Chad Ferrin
Writer: Chad Ferrin, HP Lovecraft
Starring: Kelli Maroney, Cyril OReilly, Robert Miano
Writer: Chad Ferrin, HP Lovecraft
Starring: Kelli Maroney, Cyril OReilly, Robert Miano
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