Setelah gadis itu, Kamal Loves menikah dengan saudaranya, ia memulai serangkaian acara yang akan mengarah pada penghancuran seluruh desa. 25 tahun kemudian, sihir terkutuk meningkat lagi dan peristiwa kekerasan yang dijanjikan terjadi. Di tengah -tengah itu semua, Damla melakukan perjalanan ke desa Baras, di mana semuanya dimulai, dan menghadapi masa lalunya yang mengerikan.
After the girl Kamal loves is married off to his brother, he sets off a series of events that will lead to the destruction of an entire village. 25 years later, the cursed magic intensifies again and the promised violent events occur. In the middle of it all, Damla travels to the village of Baras, where it all began, and confronts her terrible past.
After the girl Kamal loves is married off to his brother, he sets off a series of events that will lead to the destruction of an entire village. 25 years later, the cursed magic intensifies again and the promised violent events occur. In the middle of it all, Damla travels to the village of Baras, where it all began, and confronts her terrible past.
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