Happy Birthday (2023)
87 Minm | United States of America | Horror | 2023-04-02
Seorang siswa muda menyadari masa lalunya yang mengerikan ketika teman kuliahnya membawanya ke rumah "berhantu" di pinggir kota. Para mahasiswi menemukan diri mereka berada di tempat dan waktu yang salah saat seorang pembunuh yang melarikan diri bersembunyi di dalam rumah.
A young student comes to grips with her gruesome past when her college friends take her to a "haunted" house on the edge of town. The coeds find themselves at the wrong place at the wrong time as an escaped killer is holed up in the house.
A young student comes to grips with her gruesome past when her college friends take her to a "haunted" house on the edge of town. The coeds find themselves at the wrong place at the wrong time as an escaped killer is holed up in the house.
Directors: Chris Helton
Writer: Chris Helton, Bora Ercan, Jason Usry
Starring: Kim Sandwich, Maddie Henderson, Angel Pean
Writer: Chris Helton, Bora Ercan, Jason Usry
Starring: Kim Sandwich, Maddie Henderson, Angel Pean
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