Heir of the Witch (2023)
95 Minm | United States of America, United Kingdom | Horror | 2023-08-04
Seorang penjahit yang kurang mampu, dihantui oleh masa lalunya, mencari cinta dan penerimaan dalam masyarakat tinggi tetapi dihadapkan dengan kutukan dari akar jahatnya.
An underprivileged seamstress, haunted by her past, seeks love and acceptance in high society but is faced with the curse from her evil roots.
An underprivileged seamstress, haunted by her past, seeks love and acceptance in high society but is faced with the curse from her evil roots.
Directors: Victoria U Bell
Writer: Victoria U Bell
Starring: Victoria U Bell, Julian Brittano, Rachel Petsiavas
Writer: Victoria U Bell
Starring: Victoria U Bell, Julian Brittano, Rachel Petsiavas
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