Setelah menerima teks dari Jena, teman-teman mereka yang sudah lama mati, Angel, Niko, Ririn dan Lili harus mengatasi hambatan berbahaya yang tujuannya adalah mengambil nyawa mereka. Dengan bantuan Asher dan Moira yang terjebak dalam permainan ini, mereka harus mengetahui dalang di balik kedok Jena dan menghentikannya.
After receiving a text from Jena, their long-dead friends Angel, Niko, Ririn and Lili must overcome dangerous obstacles whose goal is to take their lives. With the help of Asher and Moira who are caught up in this game, they must find out the mastermind behind Jena's guise and stop him.
After receiving a text from Jena, their long-dead friends Angel, Niko, Ririn and Lili must overcome dangerous obstacles whose goal is to take their lives. With the help of Asher and Moira who are caught up in this game, they must find out the mastermind behind Jena's guise and stop him.
Directors: Arie Azis
Writer: Poppy Oktavianti, Anindya Pramudita
Starring: Zoe Abbas Jackson, Kenny Austin, Yuriska Patricia
Writer: Poppy Oktavianti, Anindya Pramudita
Starring: Zoe Abbas Jackson, Kenny Austin, Yuriska Patricia
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