House Party (2023)
100 Minm | United States of America | Comedy | 2023-01-12
Promotor klub yang bercita -cita tinggi dan teman terbaik Damon dan Kevin nyaris tidak menyatukan semuanya. Karena uang, turun karena keberuntungan mereka dan akan kehilangan atap di atas kepala mereka-dan baru saja ditembakkan dari pekerjaan rendah mereka sebagai pembersih rumah-pasangan membutuhkan rejeki nomplok besar untuk membuat masalah mereka hilang. Dalam 'apa -apaan?' Langkah, mereka memutuskan untuk menjadi tuan rumah Party of the Year di sebuah rumah eksklusif, situs pekerjaan pembersih terakhir mereka, yang kebetulan bukan milik LeBron James. Tidak ada izin? Tidak masalah. Apa yang bisa salah?
Aspiring club promoters and best buds Damon and Kevin are barely keeping things together. Out of money, down on their luck and about to lose the roofs over their heads—and freshly fired from their low-lift jobs as house cleaners—the pair needs a huge windfall to make their problems go away. In a ‘what the hell?’ move, they decide to host the party of the year at an exclusive mansion, the site of their last cleaning job, which just happens to belong to none other than LeBron James. No permission? No problem. What could go wrong?
Aspiring club promoters and best buds Damon and Kevin are barely keeping things together. Out of money, down on their luck and about to lose the roofs over their heads—and freshly fired from their low-lift jobs as house cleaners—the pair needs a huge windfall to make their problems go away. In a ‘what the hell?’ move, they decide to host the party of the year at an exclusive mansion, the site of their last cleaning job, which just happens to belong to none other than LeBron James. No permission? No problem. What could go wrong?
Directors: Calmatic
Writer: Jamal Olori, Stephen Glover
Starring: Jacob Latimore, Tosin Cole, Karen Obilom
Writer: Jamal Olori, Stephen Glover
Starring: Jacob Latimore, Tosin Cole, Karen Obilom
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