Seorang dokter dari New York melakukan perjalanan ke perkebunan terpencil pada tahun 1890-an untuk merawat seorang anak laki-laki yang mengalami gangguan yang tampaknya memiliki kemampuan yang tidak dapat dijelaskan. Dia mulai merawat anak tersebut, namun dengan melakukan hal tersebut, memicu perang antara sains dan agama karena pendeta setempat percaya bahwa anak tersebut dirasuki setan dan menjadi penyebab kesengsaraan desa.
A doctor from New York travels to a remote plantation in the 1890s to care for a disturbed boy who seems to have inexplicable abilities. She begins treating the child, but in doing so, ignites a war between science and religion as the local priest believes the boy is possessed by the devil and the cause of the village's woes.
A doctor from New York travels to a remote plantation in the 1890s to care for a disturbed boy who seems to have inexplicable abilities. She begins treating the child, but in doing so, ignites a war between science and religion as the local priest believes the boy is possessed by the devil and the cause of the village's woes.
Directors: Conor Allyn
Writer: Pascal Borno, Silvio Muraglia, Conor Allyn
Starring: Amber Heard, Eduardo Noriega, Lorenzo McGovern Zaini
Writer: Pascal Borno, Silvio Muraglia, Conor Allyn
Starring: Amber Heard, Eduardo Noriega, Lorenzo McGovern Zaini
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