Ambar & Dika baru saja memulai babak baru kehidupan ketika dendam bertahun-tahun terhadap entitas jahat terungkap di depan mata mereka. Dengan hadiah yang enggan dimilikinya, Ambar kini terpaksa menyelesaikan balas dendam entitas, roh Belanda tanpa kepala, Ivanna.
Ambar & Dika have just begun with a new chapter of life when years-old grudge of a malicious entity unfolds before their eyes. With a gift she unwillingly has, Ambar is now forced to finish the vengeance of the entity, a headless Dutch spirit, Ivanna.
Ambar & Dika have just begun with a new chapter of life when years-old grudge of a malicious entity unfolds before their eyes. With a gift she unwillingly has, Ambar is now forced to finish the vengeance of the entity, a headless Dutch spirit, Ivanna.
Directors: Kimo Stamboel
Writer: Lele Laila, Risa Saraswati
Starring: Caitlin Halderman, Taskya Namya, Junior Roberts
Writer: Lele Laila, Risa Saraswati
Starring: Caitlin Halderman, Taskya Namya, Junior Roberts
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