Nenek Heather Jones akhirnya berhasil membawa pulang keluarganya untuk merayakan Natal. Namun sebelum perayaan dimulai, mereka menerima perintah evakuasi kebakaran. Kini, keluarga harus bersatu saat mereka menemukan kembali hal yang paling penting – satu sama lain.
Grandmother Heather Jones has finally managed to get her family home for Christmas. But before the festivities begin, they receive a fire evacuation order. Now, the family must band together as they rediscover what matters most – each other.
Grandmother Heather Jones has finally managed to get her family home for Christmas. But before the festivities begin, they receive a fire evacuation order. Now, the family must band together as they rediscover what matters most – each other.
Directors: Stef Smith
Writer: Tegan Higginbotham
Starring: Heather Mitchell, Ella Scott Lynch, Genevieve Morris
Writer: Tegan Higginbotham
Starring: Heather Mitchell, Ella Scott Lynch, Genevieve Morris
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