Sepasang anak kembar datang ke desa terpencil untuk mencari tahu penyebab kematian aneh ayah mereka, namun mereka akhirnya terjebak di desa berbahaya yang penuh teror.
A pair of twins come to a remote village to find out the cause of their father's strange death, but they end up trapped in a dangerous village full of terror.
A pair of twins come to a remote village to find out the cause of their father's strange death, but they end up trapped in a dangerous village full of terror.
Directors: Bobby Prasetyo
Writer: Ilya Aktop, Ami Murti, Ilya Aktop
Starring: Yasamin Jasem, Fadi Alaydrus, Rukman Rosadi
Writer: Ilya Aktop, Ami Murti, Ilya Aktop
Starring: Yasamin Jasem, Fadi Alaydrus, Rukman Rosadi
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