Dalam perjalanan ke Pulau Onrust, Bramanto Putra menemukan buku harian kuno sambil dengan diam -diam mencari benda -benda sejarah. Itu milik kekasih Maria van de Velde, yang menghilang dalam keadaan misterius. Bram dan mahasiswa arkeologi lain bernama Susan memutuskan untuk melakukan penelitian tentang pemilik buku harian itu, yang mengarah pada konsekuensi fatal karena mereka secara tidak sengaja melepaskan mantra gelap di pulau itu.
On a trip to the island of Onrust, Bramanto Putra discovered an ancient diary while idly looking for historical objects. It belonged to the lover of Maria Van De Velde, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Bram and another archeology student named Susan decide to do some research on the owner of the diary, leading to fatal consequences as they accidentally unleash a dark spell upon the island.
On a trip to the island of Onrust, Bramanto Putra discovered an ancient diary while idly looking for historical objects. It belonged to the lover of Maria Van De Velde, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Bram and another archeology student named Susan decide to do some research on the owner of the diary, leading to fatal consequences as they accidentally unleash a dark spell upon the island.
Directors: Irham Acho Bahtiar
Writer: Astryd Diana Savitri
Starring: Aliff Alli, Yoriko Angeline, Donny Damara
Writer: Astryd Diana Savitri
Starring: Aliff Alli, Yoriko Angeline, Donny Damara
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