Kuyang adalah makhluk halus wanita nokturnal yang berwujud kepala manusia dengan isi tubuh menempel tanpa kulit dan anggota badannya dapat terbang mencari darah bayi atau darah wanita yang telah melahirkan. Makhluk ini dikenal masyarakat di Kalimantan. Di sebuah desa di Kalimantan, sepasang suami istri yang istrinya sedang hamil 7 bulan baru saja pindah ke daerah tersebut untuk memulai hidup baru. Awalnya semuanya berjalan normal hingga mereka dihantui oleh Kuyang yang ingin mengambil bayi tersebut. Akankah mereka mampu menghadapi sang Kuyang atau malah kehilangan sang buah hati.
Kuyang is a nocturnal female spirit in the form of a human head with the contents of the body attached without skin and limbs that can fly looking for the blood of a baby or the blood of a woman who has given birth. This creature is known to the public in Kalimantan. In a village in Kalimantan, a husband and wife whose wife is 7 months pregnant has just moved to the area to start a new life. Everything went normal at first until they were haunted by Kuyang who wanted to take the baby. Will they be able to face the Kuyang or will they even lose the baby.
Kuyang is a nocturnal female spirit in the form of a human head with the contents of the body attached without skin and limbs that can fly looking for the blood of a baby or the blood of a woman who has given birth. This creature is known to the public in Kalimantan. In a village in Kalimantan, a husband and wife whose wife is 7 months pregnant has just moved to the area to start a new life. Everything went normal at first until they were haunted by Kuyang who wanted to take the baby. Will they be able to face the Kuyang or will they even lose the baby.
Directors: Sonny Gumelar
Writer: Fajar Syuderajat
Starring: Arie Dwi Andhika, Zora Vidyanata, Anne J Cotto
Writer: Fajar Syuderajat
Starring: Arie Dwi Andhika, Zora Vidyanata, Anne J Cotto
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