Late Bloomers (2024)
89 Minm | United States of America | Comedy | 2024-06-07
Louise, seorang warga Brooklyn berusia 28 tahun tanpa tujuan, baru-baru ini lajang, semacam musisi, depresi tanpa mengakuinya, jatuh dalam keadaan mabuk saat melakukan sesuatu yang bodoh dan pinggulnya patah. Hal ini membawanya ke bangsal terapi fisik yang penuh dengan orang yang usianya dua kali lipat. Di sana, dia bertemu Antonina - seorang wanita tua Polandia yang rewel, yang tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris. Louise mendapat pekerjaan untuk merawatnya. Tidak ada wanita yang menyukai pengaturan ini, tetapi inilah saatnya menghadapi kenyataan tentang penuaan. Kita semua suatu saat harus tumbuh dewasa.
Louise, an aimless, 28 year-old Brooklynite, recently single, sort of a musician, depressed without admitting to it, drunkenly falls while doing something stupid and breaks her hip. This lands her in a physical therapy ward full of people twice her age. There, she meets Antonina - a cranky elderly Polish woman, who speaks no English. Louise gets a job caring for her. Neither woman loves the arrangement but it’s time to face the truth about aging. We all have to grow up sometime.
Louise, an aimless, 28 year-old Brooklynite, recently single, sort of a musician, depressed without admitting to it, drunkenly falls while doing something stupid and breaks her hip. This lands her in a physical therapy ward full of people twice her age. There, she meets Antonina - a cranky elderly Polish woman, who speaks no English. Louise gets a job caring for her. Neither woman loves the arrangement but it’s time to face the truth about aging. We all have to grow up sometime.
Directors: Lisa Steen
Writer: Anna Greenfield
Starring: Karen Gillan, Magorzata Zajczkowska, Jermaine Fowler
Writer: Anna Greenfield
Starring: Karen Gillan, Magorzata Zajczkowska, Jermaine Fowler
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