Pengacara Pio mempunyai kepribadian seperti cacing tanah. Pendeta menugaskannya, sebagai sopir, Amedeo yang agak berprasangka buruk, sopan santun, dan pakaian yang tidak biasa. Yang kedua akan membangunkan yang pertama.
The lawyer Pio has the personality of an earthworm. The priest assigns him, as a driver, the rather prejudiced Amedeo, rough manners and unlikely clothes. The second will wake up the first.
The lawyer Pio has the personality of an earthworm. The priest assigns him, as a driver, the rather prejudiced Amedeo, rough manners and unlikely clothes. The second will wake up the first.
Directors: Gennaro Nunziante
Writer: Amedeo Grieco, Pio DAntini, Gennaro Nunziante
Starring: Pio DAntini, Amedeo Grieco, Francesca Valtorta
Writer: Amedeo Grieco, Pio DAntini, Gennaro Nunziante
Starring: Pio DAntini, Amedeo Grieco, Francesca Valtorta
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