Seorang penulis perjalanan pergi ke Maladewa dan mendengar tentang kapal karam yang legendaris. Dengan bantuan ahli pengalaman tamu resor bawah airnya, dia mungkin menemukan cinta alih -alih harta karun yang terkubur.
A travel writer goes to the Maldives and hears about a legendary shipwreck. With the help of her underwater resort’s guest experience expert, she might discover love instead of a buried treasure.
A travel writer goes to the Maldives and hears about a legendary shipwreck. With the help of her underwater resort’s guest experience expert, she might discover love instead of a buried treasure.
Directors: Colin Theys
Writer: Juliana Wimbles
Starring: Jocelyn Hudon, Jake Manley, Lucy NewmanWilliams
Writer: Juliana Wimbles
Starring: Jocelyn Hudon, Jake Manley, Lucy NewmanWilliams
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