Ketika seorang koki restoran kelas atas dilewatkan untuk dipromosikan, ia mencoba untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan bosnya dengan bertaruh ia dapat membalikkan restoran terburuk di kota. Tetapi ketika dia mulai jatuh cinta pada pemilik Curmudgeonly, dia akan menyadari bahan utama yang dia lewatkan adalah cinta.
When a high-end restaurant chef is passed over for promotion, she tries to earn her boss’s trust by betting she can turn around the worst restaurant in the city. But when she starts to fall for the curmudgeonly owner, she’ll realise the key ingredient she’s been missing is love.
When a high-end restaurant chef is passed over for promotion, she tries to earn her boss’s trust by betting she can turn around the worst restaurant in the city. But when she starts to fall for the curmudgeonly owner, she’ll realise the key ingredient she’s been missing is love.
Directors: Paula Elle
Writer: Thomas Ambrosini
Starring: Eva Tavares, Sebastian Stewart, Claudia Chen
Writer: Thomas Ambrosini
Starring: Eva Tavares, Sebastian Stewart, Claudia Chen
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