Make Me Scream (2023)
45 Minm | United States of America | Comedy | 2023-10-02
Dalam acara spesial Halloween yang sangat mengerikan dan dipandu oleh Tempestt Bledsoe dan Darryl M. Bell, tiga tim selebriti yang dipimpin oleh Jaleel White, Shoniqua Shandai, dan Lil' Xan, memulai permainan teror yang mengerikan. Sebuah permainan di mana mereka harus menghadapi serangkaian zona ketakutan yang menusuk tulang sambil mencoba untuk TIDAK berteriak! Tim dengan skor terendah bertahan malam itu dan membawa pulang Medal of Mayhem yang bergengsi.
In this hilariously horrifying Halloween special hosted by Tempestt Bledsoe and Darryl M. Bell, three celebrity teams led by Jaleel White, Shoniqua Shandai, and Lil’ Xan, embark on a gruesome game of terror. A game where they must face a series of bone-chilling scare zones while trying NOT to scream! The team with the lowest score survives the night and takes home the prestigious Medal of Mayhem.
In this hilariously horrifying Halloween special hosted by Tempestt Bledsoe and Darryl M. Bell, three celebrity teams led by Jaleel White, Shoniqua Shandai, and Lil’ Xan, embark on a gruesome game of terror. A game where they must face a series of bone-chilling scare zones while trying NOT to scream! The team with the lowest score survives the night and takes home the prestigious Medal of Mayhem.
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