Darahnya merah seperti kemarahan. Konflik berdarah antara pemuda rakyat & kelompok Santri melahirkan tiga malam paling berbahaya. Setiap tahun ia berulang, malam iblis membangkitkan balas dendam dari ratusan roh jahat.
The blood was red like anger. The bloody conflict between the People's Youth & the Santri Group gave birth to three of the most dangerous nights. Every year it repeats itself, the night of the devil arouses the revenge of hundreds of evil spirits.
The blood was red like anger. The bloody conflict between the People's Youth & the Santri Group gave birth to three of the most dangerous nights. Every year it repeats itself, the night of the devil arouses the revenge of hundreds of evil spirits.
Directors: Indra Gunawan
Writer: Indra Gunawan, Sugeng Wahyudi, Indra Gunawan
Starring: Harris Illano, Aghniny Haque, Djenar Maesa Ayu
Writer: Indra Gunawan, Sugeng Wahyudi, Indra Gunawan
Starring: Harris Illano, Aghniny Haque, Djenar Maesa Ayu
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