Mind Body Spirit (2023)
88 Minm | United States of America | Horror, Thriller | 2023-03-24
Anya, influencer yoga yang bercita -cita tinggi, saat ia memulai praktik ritual yang ditinggalkan oleh neneknya yang terasing. Apa yang dimulai sebagai pemandu swadaya spiritual dengan cepat berkembang menjadi sesuatu yang jauh lebih menyeramkan. Ketika Anya terobsesi dengan kekuatan misterius dari praktik ini, tanpa disadari ia melepaskan entitas dunia lain yang mulai mengendalikan hidupnya - dan videonya. Sekarang Anya harus berlomba untuk membuka kunci kebenaran, sebelum turun ke kegilaan mengancam untuk mengkonsumsi pikiran, tubuh, dan semangatnya.
Anya, an aspiring yoga influencer, as she embarks on a ritual practice left behind by her estranged grandmother. What starts as a spiritual self-help guide quickly evolves into something much more sinister. As Anya becomes obsessed with the mysterious power of the practice, she unwittingly unleashes an otherworldly entity that begins to take control of her life -- and her videos. Now Anya must race to unlock the truth, before her descent into madness threatens to consume her mind, body and spirit.
Anya, an aspiring yoga influencer, as she embarks on a ritual practice left behind by her estranged grandmother. What starts as a spiritual self-help guide quickly evolves into something much more sinister. As Anya becomes obsessed with the mysterious power of the practice, she unwittingly unleashes an otherworldly entity that begins to take control of her life -- and her videos. Now Anya must race to unlock the truth, before her descent into madness threatens to consume her mind, body and spirit.
Directors: Alex Henes, Matthew Merenda
Writer: Alex Henes, Matthew Merenda
Starring: Sarah J Bartholomew, Madi Bready, Anna Knigge
Writer: Alex Henes, Matthew Merenda
Starring: Sarah J Bartholomew, Madi Bready, Anna Knigge
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