Motel Melati awalnya merupakan sebuah kawasan tua kolonial Belanda yang diubah menjadi sebuah penginapan. Rumah tersebut dulunya milik seorang dokter setempat bernama Kusno, yang diam-diam melakukan eksperimen tidak manusiawi terhadap mayat. Setelah kedatangan Melati, seorang gadis desa muda yang memiliki ilmu gaib dan tidak percaya pada cerita rakyat, terungkap bahwa rumah dan penghuninya dikutuk oleh roh orang mati. Dengan menerima kutukan bayangan tersebut, Melati memperoleh kehidupan abadi dan berharap dapat menghidupkan kembali anak-anaknya
Motel Melati was originally an old Dutch colonial estate which was converted into an inn. The house was once owned by a local doctor named Kusno, who secretly performed inhumane experiments on cadavers. After the arrival of Melati, a young village girl who has occult knowledge and does not believe in folklore, it is revealed that the house and its inhabitants are cursed by the spirits of the dead. By accepting the shadow's curse, Melati gains eternal life and hopes to bring her children back to life
Motel Melati was originally an old Dutch colonial estate which was converted into an inn. The house was once owned by a local doctor named Kusno, who secretly performed inhumane experiments on cadavers. After the arrival of Melati, a young village girl who has occult knowledge and does not believe in folklore, it is revealed that the house and its inhabitants are cursed by the spirits of the dead. By accepting the shadow's curse, Melati gains eternal life and hopes to bring her children back to life
Directors: Mike Wiluan, Billy Christian
Writer: Mike Wiluan, Freya Bennett
Starring: Alexandra Gottardo, Kiki Narendra, Samuel Panjaitan
Writer: Mike Wiluan, Freya Bennett
Starring: Alexandra Gottardo, Kiki Narendra, Samuel Panjaitan
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