Night Explorers: The Asylum (2023)
96 Minm | United Kingdom | Horror | 2023-07-25
Ketika sekelompok Urban Explores mendapat kesempatan seumur hidup untuk menjelajahi salah satu rumah sakit jiwa paling berhantu di dunia, mereka menghadapi sesuatu yang benar-benar jahat, yang tidak akan membiarkan mereka pergi dan mendorong mereka ke ambang kewarasan.
When a group of Urban Explores get the chance of a lifetime to explore one of the world's most haunted asylums, they encounter something truly evil, that will not let them leave and will push them to the edge of sanity.
When a group of Urban Explores get the chance of a lifetime to explore one of the world's most haunted asylums, they encounter something truly evil, that will not let them leave and will push them to the edge of sanity.
Directors: John K Webster
Writer: John K Webster
Starring: Hannah Al Rashid, Charlie Rich, Craig Edwards
Writer: John K Webster
Starring: Hannah Al Rashid, Charlie Rich, Craig Edwards
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