Ikuti Peppermint saat dia mengundang Anda dalam perjalanan menyeluruh melalui New York City untuk melihat secara langsung bagaimana rasanya menjadi wanita transgender kulit hitam tunggal di masyarakat saat ini. Peppermint mengundang Anda untuk menangis dan menertawakan dan padanya saat dia menceritakan kisah cinta dan patah hati dari panggung ke kios kamar mandi. Menggambar audiens ke satu kesimpulan yang tak terhindarkan, "Hei setidaknya aku tidak memilikinya seburuk itu !!"
Follow Peppermint as she invites you on an all-inclusive journey through New York City to get a first-hand look at what it’s like to be a single black transgender woman in today’s society. Peppermint invites you to cry and laugh with and at her as she tells Tales of love and heartbreak from the stage to the bathroom stall. Drawing audiences to one inevitable conclusion, “hey at least I don’t have it that bad!!”
Follow Peppermint as she invites you on an all-inclusive journey through New York City to get a first-hand look at what it’s like to be a single black transgender woman in today’s society. Peppermint invites you to cry and laugh with and at her as she tells Tales of love and heartbreak from the stage to the bathroom stall. Drawing audiences to one inevitable conclusion, “hey at least I don’t have it that bad!!”
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