Perry, dalam upaya menenangkan orang tuanya setelah serangkaian gangguan, membuat keputusan untuk menikah. Mencari solusi sementara untuk mengulur lebih banyak waktu dan mengakali keluarganya, dia membuat kesepakatan dengan Mimi, memberikan kompensasi padanya untuk menyamar sebagai pacarnya. Kedua belah pihak bersedia mengadakan perjanjian kontrak yang menguraikan syarat dan ketentuan tertentu. Namun, ketika saudara laki-laki Perry tiba-tiba datang dan mulai mengungkap kebenaran di balik pengaturan mereka, serangkaian peristiwa dramatis pun terjadi.
Perry, in an attempt to appease his parents following a series of disruptions, makes the decision to enter into matrimony. Seeking a temporary solution to buy himself more time and outsmart his family, he strikes a deal with Mimi, compensating her to pose as his girlfriend. Both parties willingly enter into a contractual agreement that outlines specific terms and conditions. However, when Perry's brother unexpectedly arrives and begins to unravel the truth behind their arrangement, a chain of dramatic events ensues.
Perry, in an attempt to appease his parents following a series of disruptions, makes the decision to enter into matrimony. Seeking a temporary solution to buy himself more time and outsmart his family, he strikes a deal with Mimi, compensating her to pose as his girlfriend. Both parties willingly enter into a contractual agreement that outlines specific terms and conditions. However, when Perry's brother unexpectedly arrives and begins to unravel the truth behind their arrangement, a chain of dramatic events ensues.
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