Pretty Stoned (2023)
120 Minm | United States of America | Comedy | 2023-04-19
Seorang tukang batu yang tidak punya komitmen pada pekerjaannya dan orang yang berprestasi tinggi bergabung ketika mereka mendapati diri mereka dalam masalah setelah salah satu dari mereka membuang ganja senilai $20.000 dari gembong narkoba dan antek-anteknya.
A total stoner with no commitment to her job and a type-A high-achiever join forces when they find themselves in trouble after one of them disposes of $20,000 worth of pot from a drug queenpin and her henchwomen.
A total stoner with no commitment to her job and a type-A high-achiever join forces when they find themselves in trouble after one of them disposes of $20,000 worth of pot from a drug queenpin and her henchwomen.
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