Itu dimulai dengan Rana dan sahabatnya Janu yang mendaki gunung dalam cuaca buruk. Di tengah hutan lebat, mereka terpisah dan hilang. Janu akhirnya bisa kembali ke rumah. Tapi tidak dengan Rana. Pencarian yang luas dilakukan. Rana tidak ditemukan. Seminggu telah berlalu. Keluarga besar Rana memutuskan untuk memegang tahlilan. Rana dianggap tidak mungkin selamat dan pasti akan mati di sana. Dini tidak bisa menerimanya. Sebagai seorang ibu, Dini tidak ingin menyerah begitu saja dan masih percaya bahwa putrinya Rana masih hidup. Tentu saja. Setelah Tahlilan, Rana pulang ke rumah di tengah hujan lebat.
It starts with Rana and his best friend Janu who are climbing a mountain in bad weather. In the middle of a dense forest, they got separated and lost. Janu is lucky to be back home at last. But not with Rana. An extensive search was carried out. Rana not found. A week has passed. Rana's extended family decided to hold a tahlilan. Rana is considered unlikely to have survived and will surely die there. Dini can't accept that. As a mother, Dini doesn't want to just give up and still believes that her daughter Rana is still alive. Sure enough. After the tahlilan, Rana came home in the pouring rain.
It starts with Rana and his best friend Janu who are climbing a mountain in bad weather. In the middle of a dense forest, they got separated and lost. Janu is lucky to be back home at last. But not with Rana. An extensive search was carried out. Rana not found. A week has passed. Rana's extended family decided to hold a tahlilan. Rana is considered unlikely to have survived and will surely die there. Dini can't accept that. As a mother, Dini doesn't want to just give up and still believes that her daughter Rana is still alive. Sure enough. After the tahlilan, Rana came home in the pouring rain.
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