Kisah Ranum, yang selalu tertipu oleh kata -kata manis pria yang kemudian mengkhianatinya dan kemudian berakhir dengan kematian oleh sosok misterius. Drama keluarga Ranum berkisar pada penipuan; Itu adalah puitis, romantis, dan lucu yang langsung berubah menjadi teror. Ranum memutuskan untuk terus mencari cinta sejati, yang indah dan membawa kebaikan untuk menangkal tragedi yang telah dia alami. Siapakah sosok yang menyebarkan teror keji, dan dapatkah Ranum menemukan cintanya?
The story of Ranum, who is always tricked by the sweet words of men who then betray her and later ends with death by a mysterious figure. Ranum’s family drama revolves around deceit; it is poetic, romantic, and hilarious which instantly turns into terror. Ranum decides to keep looking for true love, which is beautiful and brings kindness to ward off the tragedy she has experienced. Who is the figure who spreads the vile terror, and can Ranum find her love?
The story of Ranum, who is always tricked by the sweet words of men who then betray her and later ends with death by a mysterious figure. Ranum’s family drama revolves around deceit; it is poetic, romantic, and hilarious which instantly turns into terror. Ranum decides to keep looking for true love, which is beautiful and brings kindness to ward off the tragedy she has experienced. Who is the figure who spreads the vile terror, and can Ranum find her love?
Directors: Garin Nugroho
Writer: Garin Nugroho
Starring: Mawar Eva De Jongh, Raihaanun, Baskara Mahendra
Writer: Garin Nugroho
Starring: Mawar Eva De Jongh, Raihaanun, Baskara Mahendra
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