Rent a Groom (2023)
89 Minm | Canada, United States of America | Romance | 2023-02-17
Untuk memenuhi keinginan terakhir neneknya untuk melihat dia menikah, Tracey mempekerjakan seorang pria untuk memainkan peran tunangannya. Tetapi ketika bola salju putih mereka menjadi kegagalan, roleplaying pasangan itu menjadi sangat dapat dipercaya sehingga apa yang dimulai sebagai palsu, mungkin hanya cinta sejati.
To fulfill her grandma’s last wish to see her married, Tracey hires a man to play the role of her fiancé. But as their white lie snowballs into a fiasco, the couple’s roleplaying becomes so believable that what starts out as fake, may just be real love.
To fulfill her grandma’s last wish to see her married, Tracey hires a man to play the role of her fiancé. But as their white lie snowballs into a fiasco, the couple’s roleplaying becomes so believable that what starts out as fake, may just be real love.
Directors: Jason Wan Lim
Writer: Steve Goldsworthy
Starring: Kylee Bush, Stafford Perry, Sherri Dahl
Writer: Steve Goldsworthy
Starring: Kylee Bush, Stafford Perry, Sherri Dahl
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