Di San Francisco, Jill Valentine sedang berurusan dengan wabah zombie dan T-virus baru, Leon Kennedy berada di jalan setapak ilmuwan DARPA yang diculik, dan Claire Redfield sedang menyelidiki seekor ikan mengerikan yang membunuh paus di teluk. Bergabung dengan Chris Redfield dan Rebecca Chambers, mereka menemukan jejak petunjuk dari kasus -kasus mereka yang terpisah semuanya berkumpul di lokasi yang sama, Pulau Alcatraz, di mana kejahatan baru telah mengambil tempat tinggal dan menunggu kedatangan mereka.
In San Francisco, Jill Valentine is dealing with a zombie outbreak and a new T-Virus, Leon Kennedy is on the trail of a kidnapped DARPA scientist, and Claire Redfield is investigating a monstrous fish that is killing whales in the bay. Joined by Chris Redfield and Rebecca Chambers, they discover the trail of clues from their separate cases all converge on the same location, Alcatraz Island, where a new evil has taken residence and awaits their arrival.
In San Francisco, Jill Valentine is dealing with a zombie outbreak and a new T-Virus, Leon Kennedy is on the trail of a kidnapped DARPA scientist, and Claire Redfield is investigating a monstrous fish that is killing whales in the bay. Joined by Chris Redfield and Rebecca Chambers, they discover the trail of clues from their separate cases all converge on the same location, Alcatraz Island, where a new evil has taken residence and awaits their arrival.
Directors: Eiichir Hasumi
Writer: Makoto Fukami
Starring: Matthew Mercer, Nicole Tompkins, Kevin Dorman
Writer: Makoto Fukami
Starring: Matthew Mercer, Nicole Tompkins, Kevin Dorman
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