Sepasang suami istri dalam perjalanan berakhir tersesat jauh di dalam hutan. Ketika mobil mereka kehabisan bensin, mereka berjalan dan menemukan sebuah rumah di antah berantah. Di dalam, seorang pria aneh dengan masa lalu yang menarik memiliki beberapa cerita untuk diceritakan tetapi makhluk dalam cerita tersebut tidak akan tinggal diam di atas kertas. Dari Manusia Muffin hingga alien, dunia horor menjadi hidup dan tidak ada jalan keluar dari zona mati.
A couple on a drive end up in lost deep in the woods. When their car runs out of gas, they walk and discover a house in the middle of nowhere. Inside, a strange man with an interesting past has some tales to tell but the creatures in the stories won't stay on the paper. From the Muffin Man to aliens, a world of horror comes to life and there is no way out of the dead zone.
A couple on a drive end up in lost deep in the woods. When their car runs out of gas, they walk and discover a house in the middle of nowhere. Inside, a strange man with an interesting past has some tales to tell but the creatures in the stories won't stay on the paper. From the Muffin Man to aliens, a world of horror comes to life and there is no way out of the dead zone.
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