Sejak kecil, Renata ditanamkan bahwa sifat seorang istri adalah untuk melayani dan mempertahankan integritas rumah tangga. Masalah muncul ketika Edwin, suaminya yang kasar, menipu dia. Renata, yang diteror oleh kehadiran wanita lain, bertekad untuk menyelamatkan rumah tangganya.
Since childhood, Renata was instilled that the nature of a wife is to serve and maintain the integrity of the household. Problems arise when Edwin, her abusive husband, cheats on her. Renata, who is terrorized by the presence of another woman, is determined to save her household.
Since childhood, Renata was instilled that the nature of a wife is to serve and maintain the integrity of the household. Problems arise when Edwin, her abusive husband, cheats on her. Renata, who is terrorized by the presence of another woman, is determined to save her household.
Directors: Upi Avianto
Writer: Upi Avianto, Upi Avianto
Starring: Laura Basuki, Ario Bayu, Asmara Abigail
Writer: Upi Avianto, Upi Avianto
Starring: Laura Basuki, Ario Bayu, Asmara Abigail
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