She Is Conann (2023)
104 Minm | France, Belgium, Luxembourg | Fantasy, Science Fiction | 2023-11-29
Melakukan perjalanan melalui jurang maut, anjing dunia bawah tanah Rainer menceritakan enam kehidupan Conann, yang terus-menerus mati karena masa depannya sendiri, melintasi era, mitos, dan zaman. Dari masa kecilnya, menjadi budak Sanja dan gerombolan barbarnya, hingga aksesinya ke puncak kekejaman di depan pintu dunia kita.
Traveling through the abyss, underworld dog Rainer recounts the six lives of Conann, perpetually put to death by her own future, across eras, myths and ages. From her childhood, a slave of Sanja and her barbarian horde, to her accession to the summits of cruelty at the doors of our world.
Traveling through the abyss, underworld dog Rainer recounts the six lives of Conann, perpetually put to death by her own future, across eras, myths and ages. From her childhood, a slave of Sanja and her barbarian horde, to her accession to the summits of cruelty at the doors of our world.
Directors: Bertrand Mandico
Writer: Bertrand Mandico
Starring: Elina Lwensohn, Julia Riedler, Claire Duburcq
Writer: Bertrand Mandico
Starring: Elina Lwensohn, Julia Riedler, Claire Duburcq
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