Shingles the Movie (2023)
117 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Horror | 2023-03-14
Serangkaian cerita lucu, aneh, dan menjijikkan yang akan membuat Anda tertawa dan merinding. Sekelompok teman berbagi cerita menakutkan yang terjadi pada mereka dalam upaya untuk menakut-nakuti satu sama lain. Tapi berapa banyak yang nyata? Berapa banyak yang akan kembali menghantui mereka?
A series of hilarious, weird, and gross tales that will bring you laughs and chills. A group of friends share scary stories that all happened to them in an attempt to scare each other. But how much of it is real? How much will come back to haunt them?
A series of hilarious, weird, and gross tales that will bring you laughs and chills. A group of friends share scary stories that all happened to them in an attempt to scare each other. But how much of it is real? How much will come back to haunt them?
Directors: Steve Rudzinski
Writer: Steve Wetherell
Starring: Steve Rudzinski, Jessa Flux, Jenny Hoppes
Writer: Steve Wetherell
Starring: Steve Rudzinski, Jessa Flux, Jenny Hoppes
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