Single Black Female 2: Simone's Revenge (2024)
85 Minm | United States of America | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 2024-03-02
Tiga tahun setelah nyaris lolos dari cengkeraman saudara tirinya yang kejam, Simone, Monica siap untuk memulai awal baru di Seattle sebagai pembawa acara program televisi investigasi jam tayang utama nomor 1 di kota itu. Dengan sahabatnya Bebe di sisinya dan kekasih barunya, segalanya menjadi lebih baik bagi Monica. Diam-diam dirawat hingga sembuh dan menderita amnesia, Simone membangun kehidupan baru ketika dia bertemu Monica di TV dan ingatannya muncul kembali, mengarah pada reuni yang menentukan antara kedua bersaudara.
Three years after narrowly escaping the murderous clutches of her half-sister Simone, Monica is ready for a fresh start in Seattle as the host of the city’s #1 primetime investigative television program. With her best friend Bebe by her side and a new love interest, things are looking up for Monica. Secretly nursed back to health and suffering from amnesia, Simone is building a new life when she comes across Monica on TV and her memories come rushing back, leading to a fateful reunion between the sisters.
Three years after narrowly escaping the murderous clutches of her half-sister Simone, Monica is ready for a fresh start in Seattle as the host of the city’s #1 primetime investigative television program. With her best friend Bebe by her side and a new love interest, things are looking up for Monica. Secretly nursed back to health and suffering from amnesia, Simone is building a new life when she comes across Monica on TV and her memories come rushing back, leading to a fateful reunion between the sisters.
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