Sonny Days (2023)
72 Minm | United States of America | Comedy | 2023-10-13
Dewan kota yang kikuk memiliki misi untuk merevitalisasi kota baja Youngstown, Ohio yang dulu besar. Putus asa untuk dana, mereka menggunakan uang dari janda mafia Sonny "The Spons".
A bumbling city council has a mission to revitalize the once great steel town of Youngstown, Ohio. Desperate for funds, they resort to soliciting money from the widow of mobster Sonny "the Sponge".
A bumbling city council has a mission to revitalize the once great steel town of Youngstown, Ohio. Desperate for funds, they resort to soliciting money from the widow of mobster Sonny "the Sponge".
Directors: Tom Megalis
Writer: Tom Megalis, Jon Kasunic
Starring: Tom Megalis, Aaron Kleiber, Jozsef Fitos
Writer: Tom Megalis, Jon Kasunic
Starring: Tom Megalis, Aaron Kleiber, Jozsef Fitos
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