Perawat Lena Simon tampaknya telah menemukan pria yang sempurna dalam pengusaha yang cerdas, Scotty Sharpe, tetapi ketika dia mencurigai dia melihat orang lain, dia mengambil nasihat yang tidak biasa dari sahabatnya Toni dan melakukan mantra voodoo padanya.
Nurse Lena Simon seems to have found the perfect man in savvy businessman Scotty Sharpe, but when she suspects him of seeing someone else she takes the unusual advice of her best friend Toni and does a voodoo spell on him.
Nurse Lena Simon seems to have found the perfect man in savvy businessman Scotty Sharpe, but when she suspects him of seeing someone else she takes the unusual advice of her best friend Toni and does a voodoo spell on him.
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