Strays (2023)
93 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Adventure | 2023-08-17
Ketika Reggie ditinggalkan di jalan -jalan kota yang kejam oleh pemiliknya yang rendah, Doug, Reggie yakin bahwa pemilik kesayangannya tidak akan pernah meninggalkannya dengan sengaja. Tapi begitu Reggie jatuh dengan Bug, nyasar yang berbicara cepat dan kotor yang mencintai kebebasannya dan percaya bahwa pemilik adalah untuk pengisap, Reggie akhirnya menyadari bahwa dia berada dalam hubungan yang beracun dan mulai melihat Doug untuk bola sleeazing yang tak berperasaan seperti dia.
When Reggie is abandoned on the mean city streets by his lowlife owner, Doug, Reggie is certain that his beloved owner would never leave him on purpose. But once Reggie falls in with Bug, a fast-talking, foul-mouthed stray who loves his freedom and believes that owners are for suckers, Reggie finally realizes he was in a toxic relationship and begins to see Doug for the heartless sleazeball that he is.
When Reggie is abandoned on the mean city streets by his lowlife owner, Doug, Reggie is certain that his beloved owner would never leave him on purpose. But once Reggie falls in with Bug, a fast-talking, foul-mouthed stray who loves his freedom and believes that owners are for suckers, Reggie finally realizes he was in a toxic relationship and begins to see Doug for the heartless sleazeball that he is.
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