Eva, 20, bergabung dengan Safietou, Djaoua, Violette, dan Simone, tim pelayan kamar di salah satu Hotel Palace terbaik di Paris. Dia menemukan kondisi kerja yang buruk dari para wanita tak kasat mata ini, yang bekerja tanpa kenal lelah untuk menjaga standar tinggi hotel-hotel mewah ini, di mana satu malam dapat menghabiskan gaji tahunan mereka. Banyak dari mereka bahkan tidak dipekerjakan secara langsung oleh pihak hotel, melainkan oleh sub-kontraktor, dan oleh karena itu mereka sangat rentan. Saat melakukan pemogokan untuk melawan subkontrak dan untuk mendapatkan kondisi kerja yang lebih baik, mereka muncul dengan ide yang penuh warna: mengadakan “Fashion Week” mereka sendiri di depan hotel!
Eva, 20, joins Safietou, Djaoua, Violette and Simone, a team of chambermaids at one of Paris’s finest Palace Hotels. She discovers the poor working conditions of these invisible women, who work tirelessly to keep the high standards of these luxurious hotels, where one night can cost their annual salary. Many are not even employed by the hotels directly but by sub-contractors, and are therefore particularly vulnerable. While on strike to fight against subcontracting and to obtain better working conditions, they come up with a colorful idea : having their own “Fashion Week” in front of the hotel!
Eva, 20, joins Safietou, Djaoua, Violette and Simone, a team of chambermaids at one of Paris’s finest Palace Hotels. She discovers the poor working conditions of these invisible women, who work tirelessly to keep the high standards of these luxurious hotels, where one night can cost their annual salary. Many are not even employed by the hotels directly but by sub-contractors, and are therefore particularly vulnerable. While on strike to fight against subcontracting and to obtain better working conditions, they come up with a colorful idea : having their own “Fashion Week” in front of the hotel!
Directors: Nessim Chikhaoui
Writer: Nessim Chikhaoui, Hlne Fillires
Starring: Corinne Masiero, Lucie CharlesAlfred, MarieSohna Cond
Writer: Nessim Chikhaoui, Hlne Fillires
Starring: Corinne Masiero, Lucie CharlesAlfred, MarieSohna Cond
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