Summoning the Spirit (2023)
96 Minm | United States of America | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 2023-03-06
Carla dan Dean memutuskan untuk menghindari keramaian kota besar, membeli rumah di hutan terpencil. Mereka memiliki rencana besar untuk kehidupan pendiam baru mereka, hanya untuk menemukan sesuatu yang jauh lebih menyeramkan; Mereka berada di tanah kultus, dan pemimpin mengklaim hubungan telepati dengan binatang legendaris yang menghuni hutan di sekitarnya. Carla dan Dean dipaksa untuk mengungkap kebenaran yang menakutkan dari ramalan kultus.
Carla and Dean decide to escape the hustle of the big city, purchasing a home in a remote forest. They have big plans for their new quiet life, only to find something much more sinister; they are on the land of a cult, and the leader claims a telepathic connection to a legendary beast that inhabits the woods surrounding them. Carla and Dean are forced to uncover the terrifying truth of the cult's prophecy.
Carla and Dean decide to escape the hustle of the big city, purchasing a home in a remote forest. They have big plans for their new quiet life, only to find something much more sinister; they are on the land of a cult, and the leader claims a telepathic connection to a legendary beast that inhabits the woods surrounding them. Carla and Dean are forced to uncover the terrifying truth of the cult's prophecy.
Directors: Jon Garca
Writer: Jon Garca, Zach Carter
Starring: Krystal Millie Valdes, Ernesto Reyes, Jesse Tayeh
Writer: Jon Garca, Zach Carter
Starring: Krystal Millie Valdes, Ernesto Reyes, Jesse Tayeh
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