Kinara (Clarice Cutie), siswa SMA kelas X, bercita-cita menjadi penari terampil seperti ibunya. Sedangkan ibunya, Diah (Lilis Suganda), mengalami gangguan delusi sejak ditinggal suaminya. Diah tidak mendukung keputusan Kinara menjadi penari. Ditambah lagi, Kinara kurang pandai menari sehingga sering diolok-olok oleh teman-temannya di sanggar tari sekolah. Sebuah kejadian aneh menimpa dirinya saat sedang melakukan study tour ke sebuah pulau. Ia mempelajari tarian kuno yang dilarang karena dianggap mematikan. Kepulangannya dari pulau membuatnya menjadi penari yang baik. Namun, hal itu justru membahayakan nyawa teman dan orang yang dicintainya.
Kinara (Clarice Cutie), a class X high school student, dreams of becoming a skilled dancer like her mother. Meanwhile, her mother, Diah (Lilis Suganda), has had a delusional disorder since her husband left. Diah did not support Kinara's decision to become a dancer. In addition, Kinara was not very good at dancing, so she was often made fun of by her friends at the school's dance studio. A strange incident happened to him when he was on a study tour to an island. He learns an ancient dance that is forbidden because it is considered deadly. His return from the island made him a good dancer. However, it actually puts the lives of his friends and loved ones at risk.
Kinara (Clarice Cutie), a class X high school student, dreams of becoming a skilled dancer like her mother. Meanwhile, her mother, Diah (Lilis Suganda), has had a delusional disorder since her husband left. Diah did not support Kinara's decision to become a dancer. In addition, Kinara was not very good at dancing, so she was often made fun of by her friends at the school's dance studio. A strange incident happened to him when he was on a study tour to an island. He learns an ancient dance that is forbidden because it is considered deadly. His return from the island made him a good dancer. However, it actually puts the lives of his friends and loved ones at risk.
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