AMANDA merupakan siswi pindahan asal Malang yang mempunyai cita-cita menjadi juara 1 pada kompetisi olimpiade Biologi. Di sekolah barunya, Amanda tinggal di asrama sekolah. Di sekolah Amanda sering mendapat perundungan dari teman-teman sekelasnya. Namun Claudia yang merupakan teman sekelasnya membela Amanda dan mereka berdua akhirnya berteman. Amanda pun bertemu dengan teman Claudia, ADAM, BASKARA, dan RANI. Suatu hari terjadi fenomena aneh di sekolah, Baskara menerima SMS dari KELLY, seorang siswa yang bunuh diri di sekolah tersebut. Sejak SMS itu, Baskara ditemukan tewas dan Claudia pun meninggal beberapa hari kemudian. Dari kejadian tersebut Amanda, Adam dan Rani mencoba mencari tahu. Di sini terungkap kejadian Kelly meninggal karena Adam, Claudia, Baskara, dan Rani mengancam akan membagikan video pribadinya.
AMANDA is a transfer student from Malang who has a goal of becoming first winner in the Biology Olympiad competition. At her new school, Amanda lives in the school's dormitory. At school Amanda often gets bullied from her classmates. But Claudia who was a classmate stood up for Amanda and the two of them ended up being friends. Amanda also met Claudia's friends, ADAM, BASKARA, and RANI. One day, a strange phenomenon occurred at school, Baskara received an SMS from KELLY, a student who had committed suicide at the school. Since that SMS, Baskara was found dead and Claudia also died a few days later. From this incident Amanda, Adam and Rani try to find out. Here is revealed an incident where Kelly died because Adam, Claudia, Baskara, and Rani threatened to share his personal video.
AMANDA is a transfer student from Malang who has a goal of becoming first winner in the Biology Olympiad competition. At her new school, Amanda lives in the school's dormitory. At school Amanda often gets bullied from her classmates. But Claudia who was a classmate stood up for Amanda and the two of them ended up being friends. Amanda also met Claudia's friends, ADAM, BASKARA, and RANI. One day, a strange phenomenon occurred at school, Baskara received an SMS from KELLY, a student who had committed suicide at the school. Since that SMS, Baskara was found dead and Claudia also died a few days later. From this incident Amanda, Adam and Rani try to find out. Here is revealed an incident where Kelly died because Adam, Claudia, Baskara, and Rani threatened to share his personal video.
Directors: Ray Nayoan
Writer: Gea Rexy, Evelyn Afnilia, Asaf Antariksa
Starring: Givina Lukita, Baskara Mahendra, Gunawan Sudradjat
Writer: Gea Rexy, Evelyn Afnilia, Asaf Antariksa
Starring: Givina Lukita, Baskara Mahendra, Gunawan Sudradjat
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