Evie Kenneth berbakat, bersemangat, dan sibuk dengan pekerjaan sampai hal yang tidak terpikirkan terjadi – putrinya meninggal mendadak. Setelah menguburkan putrinya, Evie meminta kenyamanan kepada mantan kekasihnya, Hart. Dia memutuskan untuk membawa Evie bersamanya dalam tugas berburu hantu yang berubah menjadi mimpi buruk, ketika peristiwa paranormal nyata terjadi dan keduanya harus berjuang demi hidup mereka untuk bertahan dari kekuatan tak terlihat ini…
Evie Kenneth is talented, driven and consumed with work until the unthinkable happens – her daughter dies suddenly. After burying her daughter, Evie turns to a former lover, Hart for comfort. He decides to take Evie with him on a ghost-hunting assignment that turns into a nightmare, when real paranormal events occur and the two must fight for their lives to survive from these unseen forces…
Evie Kenneth is talented, driven and consumed with work until the unthinkable happens – her daughter dies suddenly. After burying her daughter, Evie turns to a former lover, Hart for comfort. He decides to take Evie with him on a ghost-hunting assignment that turns into a nightmare, when real paranormal events occur and the two must fight for their lives to survive from these unseen forces…
Directors: Sean Patrick Cannon
Writer: Sean Patrick Cannon
Starring: Matthew T Clark, Nikki Kris, Joseph Lopez
Writer: Sean Patrick Cannon
Starring: Matthew T Clark, Nikki Kris, Joseph Lopez
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