The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster (2023)
91 Minm | United States of America | Horror | 2023-06-09
Vicaria adalah seorang remaja brilian yang percaya bahwa kematian adalah penyakit yang bisa disembuhkan. Setelah pembunuhan brutal dan mendadak terhadap saudara laki-lakinya, dia memulai perjalanan berbahaya untuk menghidupkannya kembali.
Vicaria is a brilliant teenager who believes death is a disease that can be cured. After the brutal and sudden murder of her brother, she embarks on a dangerous journey to bring him back to life.
Vicaria is a brilliant teenager who believes death is a disease that can be cured. After the brutal and sudden murder of her brother, she embarks on a dangerous journey to bring him back to life.
Directors: Bomani J Story
Writer: Bomani J Story
Starring: Laya DeLeon Hayes, Denzel Whitaker, Chad L Coleman
Writer: Bomani J Story
Starring: Laya DeLeon Hayes, Denzel Whitaker, Chad L Coleman
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