The Boogeyman (2023)
99 Minm | United States of America | Horror, Thriller, Mystery | 2023-05-31
Masih terhuyung -huyung karena kematian tragis ibu mereka, seorang gadis remaja dan adik perempuannya menemukan diri mereka terganggu oleh kehadiran sadis di rumah mereka dan berjuang untuk membuat ayah mereka yang berduka memperhatikan sebelum terlambat.
Still reeling from the tragic death of their mother, a teenage girl and her younger sister find themselves plagued by a sadistic presence in their house and struggle to get their grieving father to pay attention before it’s too late.
Still reeling from the tragic death of their mother, a teenage girl and her younger sister find themselves plagued by a sadistic presence in their house and struggle to get their grieving father to pay attention before it’s too late.
Directors: Rob Savage
Writer: Mark Heyman, Bryan Woods, Scott Beck
Starring: Sophie Thatcher, Vivien Lyra Blair, Chris Messina
Writer: Mark Heyman, Bryan Woods, Scott Beck
Starring: Sophie Thatcher, Vivien Lyra Blair, Chris Messina
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