The Camp Host (2024)
95 Minm | Canada, United States of America | Horror, Thriller | 2024-03-16
Sadie, seorang pemuda muda Amerika Vanlifer dan suaminya Ed menemukan perjalanan mereka tergelincir ketika mereka menghabiskan malam di perkemahan yang diawasi oleh seorang wanita gila yang secara brutal menghukum berkemah yang tidak mengikuti aturannya.
Sadie, a young Native American VanLifer and her husband Ed find their trip derailed when they spend the night in a campground overseen by a maniacal woman who brutally punishes campers that don't follow her rules.
Sadie, a young Native American VanLifer and her husband Ed find their trip derailed when they spend the night in a campground overseen by a maniacal woman who brutally punishes campers that don't follow her rules.
Directors: Henry Darrow McComas
Writer: Henry Darrow McComas
Starring: Rachel Colwell, Dillon Casey, Brooke Johnson
Writer: Henry Darrow McComas
Starring: Rachel Colwell, Dillon Casey, Brooke Johnson
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