The Christmas Classic (2023)
86 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Romance | 2023-11-03
Elizabeth bekerja untuk perusahaan real estat ayah tunangannya di kota besar. Muak dengan kejenakaan Elizabeth yang tidak profesional, ayah mertuanya yang akan segera mengirimnya kembali ke kota asalnya selama musim liburan untuk meyakinkan api tua, Randy, untuk menjual resor ski ke perusahaan untuk mempertahankan pekerjaannya. Randy setuju untuk menjual, tetapi hanya jika dia bisa memenangkan tantangan musim dingin tahunan kota, yang termasuk acara ski yang keterlaluan dan menyenangkan. Memperparah rencananya lebih jauh, dia harus berhadapan dengan juara abadi, saudara perempuannya yang terasing, Lynn, sekarang lebih bertekad untuk 'melampaui' saingannya!
Elizabeth works for her fiancé’s father’s real estate company in the big city. Fed up with Elizabeth’s unprofessional antics, her soon-to-be father-in-law sends her back to her hometown during the holiday season to convince an old flame, Randy, to sell his ski resort to the firm in order to keep her job. Randy agrees to sell, but only if she can win the town’s annual winter challenge, which includes outrageous and fun ski events. Aggravating her plans further, she must face off against the perennial champion, her estranged sister Lynn, now more determined than ever to ‘out-sleigh’ her rivals!
Elizabeth works for her fiancé’s father’s real estate company in the big city. Fed up with Elizabeth’s unprofessional antics, her soon-to-be father-in-law sends her back to her hometown during the holiday season to convince an old flame, Randy, to sell his ski resort to the firm in order to keep her job. Randy agrees to sell, but only if she can win the town’s annual winter challenge, which includes outrageous and fun ski events. Aggravating her plans further, she must face off against the perennial champion, her estranged sister Lynn, now more determined than ever to ‘out-sleigh’ her rivals!
Directors: Shane Dax Taylor
Writer: Austin Nichols, Shane Dax Taylor
Starring: Malin kerman, Ryan Hansen, Amy Smart
Writer: Austin Nichols, Shane Dax Taylor
Starring: Malin kerman, Ryan Hansen, Amy Smart
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