The Dead Follows (2023)
85 Minm | United States of America | Horror | 2023-10-04
Dua detektif pemburu hantu menjelajah ke jantung kompleks kengerian yang sangat berhantu. Saat malam semakin larut, mereka mengungkap wahyu yang mengganggu tentang makhluk berhantu di lokasi tersebut dan harus berjuang demi hidup mereka untuk melarikan diri.
Two ghost-hunting detectives venture into the heart of a highly haunted complex of horrors. As the night develops, they uncover disturbing revelations about the hauntings at the location and must fight for their lives to escape.
Two ghost-hunting detectives venture into the heart of a highly haunted complex of horrors. As the night develops, they uncover disturbing revelations about the hauntings at the location and must fight for their lives to escape.
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